Praise for Body=Brain®
Dr. Chris Johnson, Q-4 Consulting

This course is amazing! Body = Brain integrates current advances in neuroscience with cutting-edge applications of somatics in a way that will deepen the discourse in leadership development circles. Clear articulation of the nature and value of body-oriented learning allowed each participant to see possibilities in their own working environment and to come away with practical applications for day-to-day work and life.
Doug Silsbee, Author, Presence-Based Coaching

Body = Brain articulates a coherent and pragmatic synthesis of the new brain science and the field of human development. Anyone involved in designing and facilitating learning should understand how learning happens at a biological level. This elegant course provides a foundation.
Luann Barndt

As a participant in Body=Brain for the fourth time, I can attest to the richness of this material that bridges the gap between science and practice in embodied learning. I decided one of the criteria for my doctoral research ‘exploring the experience of integrating the body in learning’ would be that study candidates participated in Body=Brain multiple times. A large pool of candidates met this criteria, which speaks to the value of the program.
Binky Mendoza, Yoga Teacher, Philippines

What I learned equipped me with practical tools for working with clients while being very healing and nourishing on a personal level. Highly practical, extremely fascinating, and well-designed, this course provides a clear path through the maze of information on the body and brain.
Learn More About Body=Brain®
Case Study: Alejandra Silberman
Ale describes how learning Body = Brain science has helped her clients, why the program is manageable even with a family & a full workload, and what it’s like to participate from outside the United States.
Case Study: Dennis Coyne
A retired lawyer and a leadership coach, Dennis avoids science and detests technology.
So why has he taken Body = Brain three times?
Scroll down for more video case studies.
Rashmi Nair-Ripley

My challenge has been convincing executives around the merit of practice. Most of them don’t even want to talk about what they are feeling. But now I have theory to back the veracity of the practices I have been offering to my clients. I consider your course one of the best uses of my time, and one of my all-time favorites!
Joel Monk

I have no doubt the things I learned from Amanda in Body=Brain have made me a much more effective coach. Amanda is a delightful teacher and in this program she has mapped out one of the best articulations of the change process I have ever seen, all supported by robust science. And the great thing is you’ll learn practical ways to apply it with your clients.
Sara Tucker

I took Body = Brain three times. That is a testament to how valuable it is. Mandy does an amazing job of thoroughly and painstakingly laying out the process of how we learn and how we change. It makes it so much easier for me to stand in front of a group of MBA students and make claims about why centering and mood are essential to leadership.
Ufuk Çakmakçı

Body = Brain provided me with a crisp and fresh understanding of how the body and brain are involved as a whole in the process of learning and change. The participants were a high quality group of coaches and consultants from all over the world, which provided enormous insight into how differently the neuroscience & somatic knowledge can be utilized.
Learn More About Body=Brain®
Case Study: Rashmi Ripley
Years after graduating Rashmi still uses what she learned in Body = Brain to integrate her work in yoga, mindfulness, and adult development to better serve the executives – and the incarcerated men – that she works with.
Case Study: Howie Adams
Howie is a retired dentist who works with at-risk teens, facilitates grief support groups, and coaches non-profit leaders. Listen to why he believes the scientifically-based principles taught in Body = Brain can create more wisdom, care, and compassion in the world.
Scroll down for more video case studies.
Juliet Bradley

I think this course should be a required part of the Somatic Coaching Certificate. It gave me the scientific background for how people learn and change. What we as coaches are doing is facilitating our clients to literally rewire their brain so they have the capacity to be informed by their feelings and not be driven by them. Body = Brain helped me understand why the somatic practices work and gave me a simple way to communicate it to clients.
Jay Fields

I walked away with a foundational knowledge in the neuroscience of how the body really is a brain. This has not only changed the way that I experience my own body and perceptions, but also the way that I approach my students when I teach my yoga classes. Because of this course, I’ve been able to offer my students scientific nuggets to explain what can sometimes feel like a woo-woo experience. I highly recommend this course for yoga teachers who want to foster their student’s sense of awe and depth of body awareness in a way that is backed by current research.
LeeAnn Mallory

This material is FANTASTIC! I am so very impressed with the framework, the rigor of the content, your knowledge, and your ability to express it. Your material is landing spot on for me…thanks for letting me join you!
Renee Gregorio

I appreciated Mandy’s knowledge and ease of translating the science of somatics into accessible language. Her depth of grounding in the work made it easy for me to relax, listen, and learn. Probably the most important result of taking the course is the immediate and direct effect it has had on my work with clients. I now have the essential tools to speak about the process of change from a neurobiological perspective.
Learn More About Body=Brain®
Case Study: Erin Owen
Erin used Body = Brain principles to help her client get better at work and at home by using rock climbing as a tool for learning. Get her take on why Body = Brain is a better value than a Ivy League education.
Jacqueline van Paassen

As a teacher you are very authentic, open, relaxed, respectful and clear. I appreciate that you answered questions thoroughly in every call… and that they were quality questions because we had such a high quality group of interested professionals! Besides that, we had a lot of fun, too – that always enhances learning.
Katie Todd

This work ties so deeply into several different areas – pilates or physical training as a means to personal transformation, energy work, coaching, shiva nata. Body = Brain provided much needed grounding in biological science. Now I can explain our nervous system wiring to clients accurately and with excitement, so they understand how change happens, too. You truly are an expert in your field.
Kanu Kogod

Thanks to Body = Brain, I can now help my very intellectual clients at the World Bank understand (and learn to trust!) the messages that they get from their heart, their gut, and beyond. This course has given me the language to explain just how vast our intelligence really is. Being able to speak about this in a credible way has enabled me to help my clients become more resilient and resourceful.
Mel Szarek

This program has made a HUGE difference for me personally. I had to confront my masonry contractor about the unacceptable work his crew did on the repairs to my house. The practices you suggested were powerful, meaningful, and enjoyable, and the resulting confrontation with the contractor went extremely well for both of us. I achieved a positive outcome with strength, poise, and pride. Going into the conversation was still scary, but I entered it with conviction and without fear. It works! Great stuff!
Learn More About Body=Brain®
Case Study: Wendy Marsh
Wendy has over three decades in as a massage therapist. Ten years ago she became a coach so she could better address the kinds of life questions her clients would talk about on the table. Find out why she thinks Body = Brain is a "game-changer."
Case Study: Brian Bertrand
Brian worked in the space program for 25 years, then went on to run a cognitive skills development clinic. He speaks about the quality of the Body = Brain community and how taking the course helped him make sense of his mother’s passing.
Lois Pfeiffer

I have a client who never stops talking. She feels she benefits more from having conversations to figure things out rather than trying to feel. Once I was able to give her specific examples of why she was not achieving the outcomes that she wanted, and used my new knowledge from Body=Brain to explain why the body was essential to the changes she wanted to make, we were able to move forward together. We actually redesigned our coaching relationship as a result of this. My client is now resisting less and learning more.
Annie Bentz

Your explanation of concepts is very clear and you say just the right amount to communicate the relevant information. As a result, the content is very accessible and doesn’t get lost in unnecessary words.
Lauree E. Moss

I think about the recent class I took from you all the time — your voice and your work reverberate through me. You are a fantastic teacher and one of the best somatic teachers I have ever learned from – and I have trained with the Masters since the 70s!